It is no mystery that what we see has a powerful impact on what we think and how we feel. Vision accounts for two-thirds of the electrical activity of the human brain. That activity may help explain the saying a picture is worth a thousand words – and why graphic design is so effective at communicating our thoughts and feelings. In Sharon’s long career in the discipline, her passion for design – and respect for its power – has fueled her commitment to being a responsible designer. Whatever the project, she practices design in positive ways to inform, inspire and instruct so that what your audience sees has a powerful impact on what they think and how they feel.

A certified designer with Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC), Sharon has more than 30 years of experience working with a wide range of corporate, entrepreneurial, non-profit and public sector clients across North America and the EU.

She worked in design studios in Canada and Australia before founding Belanger Design Studio in Vancouver in 2000. Over the past two decades, Sharon has developed long-term relationships with both creative collaborators and clients, and has served as a sessional instructor at Capilano University in the highly regarded IDEA illustration and design program.

Her innate appreciation of good design and beautiful things spills over into her love for antiquing, houseplants, interior styling and singing – and recently she was awarded her 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate from the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga. Sharon has served as a board member of The Jellyfish Project – an environmental advocacy group – for more than 10 years, where she has offered much of her pro bono work.